Tuesday 17 November 2015

Major World Religions populations pie chart statistics list

This pie chart is based on statistics listing peoples self-admitted adherence to one of the major world religions, or to other faiths, or to people stating that they are of no religion.

As you will see the pie chart only mentions percentages of the world's population whose religiously related self-admission places them in each category.

To get a better idea of the numerical population size statistics please consult the following list of the major world religions.

  Christians: 2,100,000,000 - tending to decline in terms of global percentage

Muslims: 1,500,000,000 - tending to increase in terms of global percentage

Of no religion: 1,100,000,000 - tending to decline in terms of global percentage

Hindus: 900,000,000 - stable in terms of global percentage

Chinese folk religionists: 400,000,000

Primal religionists: 400,000,000

Buddhists: 375,000,000- stable in terms of global percentage

Sikhs: 24,000,000

Jews: 14,500,000

Baha'is: 7,400,000

Jains: 4,300,000

Shintoists: 4,000,000

Taoism: 2,700,000

This listing of figures hopefully gives a good approximation of the world's populations self-professed adherence to major world religions, other religions, or their self-professed state of not being religious.

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